Quick Start Guide

Get up and running with Barcode Generator in minutes.

Our Barcode Generator app is available for Airtable. You can also choose to use our REST API for even more extensibility and integration with platforms we don't yet support.

If you're looking to generate QR codes, please use our QR Code Generator app instead. Barcode Generator does not support the creation of QR codes


If you're looking to generate barcodes automatically, we suggest you use our automation script. Otherwise, our Airtable extension is available to generate barcodes manually for your Airtable bases. Both options provide feature parity.

Airtable Extension

If you're unable to select any fields in step 6 or 7, see "Field values" for more information

Follow these steps to get started with our Airtable extension.

  1. Open our Airtable extension on the official Airtable marketplace. Click "Add" and in the modal that appears, "Add Extension" if you agree to the terms

  2. Once installed, open the Airtable base that contains the data you want to generate barcodes for

  3. Click "Extensions" and scroll down until you see the "Barcode Generator" extension installed in step #1

  4. Under the "Data source" tab, select the table that contains the data you want to encode in your barcodes

  5. In the "View" field, select the Airtable view that contains the data for your barcodes

  6. In the "Content" field, select the content that you want to encode in your barcodes. This could be something like a URL, string or SKU number

  7. In the "Barcode" field, select a field where you want your barcodes to be inserted as attachments

  8. In the "Content Error Field", select a field where you want error messages to be inserted. This will be populated if there's an issue when trying to create a barcode for a row in your base, otherwise it will remain empty

  9. Click "Generate Barcodes"

Your barcodes will be generated and inserted into your "Barcode" field as attachments.

Automation Script

To use the automation script, an Airtable Pro or above subscription (sold separately) is required as Airtable unfortunately limits the ability to use custom scripts in Airtable automations to the Pro and Enterprise tiers.

If you don't have Airtable Pro or above, you can use our Airtable extension to generate barcodes manually.

Follow these steps to get started with our Airtable automation script to generate barcodes automatically for your Airtable data.

  1. Download the automation script by opening the link https://qrcodegenerator.api.littleappy.co/automation/barcode?license=INSERT-YOUR-LICENSE-KEY-HERE. Replace "INSERT-YOUR-LICENSE-KEY-HERE" with your license key, otherwise you'll be shown an error and be unable to download the script

  2. Extract the "barcode.zip" file, and open "automation_barcodegenerator_script.js" in a text editor

  3. Search for "YOUR_TABLE_NAME_HERE" and replace this text with the name of the Airtable table that contains the data for your barcodes

  4. Search for "YOUR_CONTENT_FIELD_NAME_HERE" and replace this text with the name of the Airtable field that contains the content for your barcodes. This could be something like a URL, string or SKU number

  5. Search for "YOUR_BARCODE_ATTACHMENT_FIELD_NAME_HERE" and replace this text with the name of the Airtable field where you would like the insert your barcodes. Note that this field type must be set to 'Attachment' in Airtable

  6. Search for "YOUR_CONTENT_ERROR_FIELD_NAME_HERE" and replace this text with the name of the Airtable field where you would like to insert an error description for any barcodes that are unable to be generated

  7. Search for "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" and replace this text with your license key for Barcode Generator

  8. Copy the generated script, open Airtable and navigate to the Airtable base you want to generate barcodes for

  9. Click "Automations" in the top naviation bar on Airtable, and choose "Create automation"

  10. Select a trigger for starting your automation. This depends on your needs, but for most customers this would be "When record created" or "When record updated"

  11. In the "Trigger details" pane that appears, configure the required information. For the "When record created" or "When record updated" triggers, you'll need to specify the table to monitor for new records or modification to existing records

  12. Then choose "Add advanced logic or action, and select "Run script" in the "Airtable" section. Note that this will be greyed out and disabled if you're on an Airtable plan lower than Pro (see above warning)

  13. In the window that appears, paste the generated automation script from step 8 in the "Code" text field

  14. In the "Input variables" pane on the left-hand side, click "Add input variable" and set the name to recordId and the value to Airtable record ID. Note that this name and value is case sensitive will always be the same regardless of the fields in your base - anything other than these names and values will cause your automation script to fail as it won't be able to find the record to update

  15. Click "Finish editing" and your automation setup is complete

If configured correctly, your barcodes will now be generated and inserted into your "Barcode" field as attachments automatically.


If we don't yet support the platform that you wish to generate barcodes for, or you want to build a custom solution that supports generating barcodes then you may want to consider using our REST API.

Full documentation for the API can be found here, but to generate a simple barcode you can issue the following GET request.

// Example cURL command to generate a barcode containing the text "hello world"
curl --location --request GET 'https://qrcodegenerator.api.littleappy.co/barcode?content=test&type=Code128&foregroundColor=%23000&backgroundColor=%23fff&includeLabel=true&format=JPG&license=INSERT-YOUR-LICENSE-KEY-HERE'

Last updated