Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This page answers commonly asked questions about the Public Toilets Australia app.
What devices are supported?
Any iOS or iPadOS running iOS 17+ or watchOS device running watchOS 10+ can run this app.
How up to date and reliable is the data?
While every effort is made to update the data in this app in a timely manner, facility data is usually updated and published once per month by the National Public Toilet Map team. If you want to explore the dataset that we're using, you can download it here or view the map.
From time to time some facility details may be incorrect. The data in this app should be used as a guide only, and you should never rely on a single source for confirmation about facility amenities, opening hours or availability.
Does the app work offline?
You can view the list of facilities, facility details and search by distance or suburb offline. You can also view your saved facilities.
However, maps won't load without an internet connection and directions to facilities will be unavailable. Other functionality may also be limited without an internet connection.
Does this app support countries outside of Australia?
Due to data limitations, this app does not provide any information about facilities outside of Australia.
How can I contact you?
You can email us at if you have further questions about the app.
Last updated